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Hon Sola Lawal: A Patriotic Soul Snatched From Us -Omoworare



It is so unfortunate and absolutely unbelievable that Hon. Sola Lawal my brother and political associate has finally left for the world beyond.

It is indeed a rude shock across Ile-Ife that such illustrious son is no more. May God rest his soul, comfort his family and friends, oversee all he left behind and grant him eternal rest in Paradise.

The Osun APC family, leaders and members, Ogun State APC, Afenifere, Ile-Ife Muslim community, Media practitioners and all his other sphere of religious, professional, political and social circles will be denied his quality and excellent services and contributions.

Hon. Sola Lawal lived a life of principles, patriotism and service to humanity. His political dream and push for a better Nigeria and prosperous Yoruba nation is enviable and will remain indelible.

His contributions will be sorely missed and difficult to substitute easily. It our prayer that God will forgive his shortcomings, continue to comfort his family and be with us all at this trying time.

Sen. Babajide Omoworare
