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Oluwo Has The Right To Proclaim Oneness Of God, Osun Muslim Community



-Commences 1446 Hijrah celebration

The Osun State Muslim Community has said, those criticizing Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi for proclaiming God’s oneness and his call for others to acknowledge God’s singular worthy by loving him with all their heart, soul, and might are ignorant of what they’re are doing.

OSMC said like any other Nigerians, Oba Akanbi has freedom of expression as well as freedom to practice his religion.

Speaking at a press conference to herald activities to commemorate the 1446 Hijirah at the Muslim Community Secretariat in Osogbo, the OSMC President, Sheikh Mustafa Adeleke Olawuyi said every religion on earth unequivocally proclaim the essential oneness of God, only nonentity would be criticizing Oluwo for proclaiming his religion.

Recalls that the International Council for Ifa Religion (ICIR), had warned Oluwo of Iwo, to desist from denigrating the traditional religion, Yoruba tradition and culture, calling on the Osun State government, elders and all Yoruba Socio-Cultural organisations to also call the monarch to order.

The call was made on Saturday evening, by the President of ICIR, Dr. Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode, during the inauguration of the new executive committee of The Council at the World Ifa Temple, Oke-Itase, Ile-Ife, Osun State.

Fayemi noted that the monarch’s utterances have always caused religious discord and embarrassment for other traditional leaders who are custodians of Yoruba tradition and culture within the Yoruba kingdom and abroad.

Reacting, Olawuyi said: “Is Oluwo not a Nigerian, does he not have the same right like any other Nigerians? Right to expression and right to religion. If the Soun of Ogbomoso can knee down before a pastor with the crown on his head and nobody raised eyebrow but Oluwo in the holy land to perform Hajj opened his head before the supreme God and started criticizing him.

“Oluwo is free to practice his religion. Oluwo has not offended anybody by proclaiming the supremacy of one and only Allah and that is the essence of life. Anybody that fails to recognize God almighty as only one, only creator, then person is a nonentity.

“Oluwo is doing his right, please, give him the opportunity as a Nigerian to have freedom of expression and freedom of religion.

Expressing worries over the current economic hardship, OSMC President said both the President Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government and the 36 states governors lack the political will to stem the tide of hardship across the country.

He said the present situation demands aggressive agricultural revolution across the state, especially in the southwest, where massive agriculture is on the decline.

His words, “Our leaders lack the political will to fight the excruciating hunger ravaging the country as a result of economic crisis around the world. Our leaders rather than concentrating on agriculture to reduce hunger, they were busy distributing motorcycles as empowerment.

“Instead of President Bola Tinubu to focus on rescuing the economy from inflationary crisis, he is busy with the politics of 2027. He is busy dissipating energy of politics rather than good governance.

“The Governors are busy distributing motorcycle, hair dressing, beautician equipment to youths instead of revitilising the various agricultural settlement to concentrate on their areas of comparative advantage with a view to pulling the country out of the woods

On the new Islamic year celebration, he said Muslims are the most tolerant people, stressing the need for continuous religion harmony in the state.

He also noted that the one week programme of activities to celebrate the new year continues on Monday through Saturday, including Qur’an competition, entrepreneurship skills acquisition for youth, a public lecture and a grand finale to be chaired by Governor Ademola Adeleke.
