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Osun NUJ Mourns Taiwo Kekere-ekun’s Demise



Osun NUJ Mourns Taiwo Kekere-ekun's Demise

-Declares 3-day Mourning Period

The Osun State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists regrets to announced the unexpected demise of a broadcast journalist and a devoted member of the union, Comrade Taiwo Kekere-Ekun,whose death occured early today after a brief illness.

Until her demise,she was a staff of Fresh FM, Osogbo and deputy Chairperson, National Association of Women’s Journalists, NAWOJ,Osun State chapter.

In honour of her dedication and selfless service to the union,a 3-day mourning period has been declared.

The union wishes to identify with the immediate families, colleagues and friends left behind by the deceased.

Adeyemi Aboderin,
Hon Secretary,
Osun NUJ.
