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Sallah: FRSC Deploys 1200 Officers For Eid-kabir Celebration In Osun



The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) , Osun sector Commander , Mr Inyang Umoh, says the command has deployed 1200 officers across strategic locations in the state to help curtail any form of road accidents during and after the Eid -kabir celebrations.

Umoh said this in a statement made available to newsmen on Saturday in Osogbo.

He said that the officers comprised both the special marshals and regulars would help in maintaining orderliness on highways and also ensure road users complied with safety ordinance during and after the salah festivity .

” We will not tolerate any reckless driving during and after the salah festivity and our men are out there to ensure motorists comply with safety regulations .

” We have gone to many media houses , traditional rulers,motor parks and also churches and mosques to ensure we spread the message of defensive driving during this period ,” Umoh said

According to him, the command has been able to increase its enlightenment campaign towards ensuring zero free accident on highways.

” The message is clear that motorists should embraced defensive style of driving and be disciplined while on wheels and that will help reduced any eventuality or accidents .

The sector commander further said it has deployed its ambulances and towing vans to strategic locations in the state to help any form of emergency if necessary.

Umoh , however , called on transportation stakeholders to ensure they educate and enlightened their subjects on the need to be safety conscious to avoid lost of lives and properties in the state.
