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See what the court did to man who rape his mother



A 43-year-old man, Humphrey Omoregieva has been remanded in prison custody by an Ego Magistrate Court sitting in Benin, for allegedly raping his mother.

Giving the verdict on Thursday August 4, 2016, Presiding Magistrate, Mr F.E Akhere, said Omoregieva should be kept behind the bar due to gravity of the offence he allegedly committed.

Police Prosecutor, Cpl. Ayo Augustine, had told the court that the accused committed the offence on August 1, at number 294, Upper Mission, Benin, Edo state Capital.

Augustine further alleged that the suspect beat up his father by hitting him with a piece of wood on his forehead and thereafter raped his mother after beating her blue black.

He added that the accused maliciously damaged a sliding window in the house valued at N80,000.

Prosecutor said that the alleged offence was contrary to and punishable under Section 355, 320 and 358 of the Criminal Code.

In his ruling Magistrate Akhere, said that the court lacked jurisdiction to entertain the case and ordered that copy of the case file be sent to the Directorate of Public Prosecution for legal advice.

He, thereafter, adjourned the case till September 8, for mention
