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Oluwo Establishes Kinship With Ile-Ife, Drums Support for Ooni



By Ibraheem Alli

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi Telu I, has pledged to respect the Iwo’s blood tie with Ile-Ife to replenish the travail of the first female Ooni of Ife for her dedication towards establishing a the ancient town.

Oba Adewale equally drums unflinching supports for the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi.

Oluwo made the pledge while paying familiarization visit to Owobodo Royal Family of Okerewe compound, Ile-Ife, which is the origin of Telu Adekola, the founder of Iwo Kingdom.

The traditional ruler described his visit to the Owobodo Royal Family as an attestation of acknowledging Luwo Gbagida as the founder of Iwo and to safe future generations from shoddy historical facts.

Oba Adewale who appreciated the Owobodo Royal Family’s supports for Ooni Ogunwusi, urged other Royal Houses and Nigerians in general to promote the peaceful co-existence targeting at facilitating progress of Yorubaland.

He described Ooni of Ife as bridge builder whose priority is to unite the entire race and launch an unprecedented harmony in Nigeria.

Oluwo said: “May God spare the life of Ooni Ogunwusi, bless, direct and guard him. The commands that visited Luwo Gbagida thousands years ago to be the 16th female Ooni of Ife produced me- Oluwo as the 16th Oluwo of Iwoland.

“The divine command has come again. Luwo was divinely command to become female Oonirisa. I came to attest to the divine command as one of the progenitors of Luwo Gbagida. He prayed for the progress and prosperity of the sons and daughters of the compound. He assured them of jiffy testimony and urged them to exchange occasional visit to Iwo.

“We must not be fighting irrespective of our Royal differences. We should not differentiate between Osinkola, Giesi. Let us live in one and consider Ooni Ogunwusi as one father from the same parent that came from this compound.

“As you will never wish one son bad, don’t wish him bad to live long and be productive. Ife will continue to prosper with him. Now, Oluwo has started staying with this compound because Oluwo was coined from Luwo. You that are indigene of this compound can freely come to Iwo. You will be accommodated because the town belongs to you. Iwolites can also come here anytime.”

Oluwo, in appreciation of the hospitality of the Royal House, Owobodo, donated embroidered royal seat and portraits of Luwo Gbagida to the royal house.

In his address, the Ooni of Ife, who was represented by Chief Biola Ogundokun, described Oluwo as a blessing to Yorubaland with uncompromised passion.

Ogundokun stated that Oba Adewale has promoted Iwoland beyond envisaged echelon within the little time of his kkingship.

He said that the Oluwo’s visitation was meant to cement and establish unity with his source, the enclave of Oodua and charge everybody to their responsibility of uniting all Iwo indigenes with Ife to fashion the progress of the tow ancient towns without any territorial discrimination.

“The visitation is historical. It is an indication of a focused king to study our past for better tomorrow. The visitation will imbibe in us the need to be responsible to our historical background, bring about peace in entire Yoruba race to make us one.

“It will equally make those in foreign land to remember home and reunite with their cradle. In the olden day, we always have annual cultural gathering that brings everybody together but no more. But now, we will be happy seeing traditional rulers tracing history to bring us together again”, said Ogundokun.

Secretary of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Osun State Alhaji Rasaq Salinsile described the visitation as remarkable and first of its kind.

He said such visitation should be embraced by all kings in Yorubaland for historical richness and reposition the Yoruba race as the best.

Other kings in the entourage of Oluwo were Olu of Ileogbo, His Royal Majesty, Oba Habeeb Adetoyese Agbaje Arowo-Okunjoye II and Olupo of Oluponna, HRH Oba Emmanuel Oyeleso Oyebamiji Fadare II.
