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Save Our Souls In Ikirun By Prince Olawale Mutiu



Scene of a road Accident recently happened in Ikirun

When a mistake happened once, it is considered to be a mistake. When it happens repeatedly, it is no more mistake, rather a high level of incompetence non professionalism or a result of lackadaisical attitude

Receiving the bad news of the recent incident of brake failure of one of the Quarry trucks has left us depressed, sad, aggrieved, and heartbroken, being a recurring one.

While we pray that the souls of the affected victims find solace in their Lord and their families get the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable losses, we write to strongly condemn the incessant loss of innocent lives by the company trucks, whose everytime excuse for claiming lives has always been *”brake failure.”*

We are not oblivious to the fact that the activities and functionalities of the trucks mean a whole lot to the company and as such, the company in one way or the other, contributes to the development of its situated area and the state at large, yet it shouldn’t be at the expense of human lives, which is irreplaceable Yet, we give so much cognizance to human life. In everything, safety comes first.

Having critically analyzed and observed these unpleasant incidents, we’ve come to the realization of the fact that the consequences of the *”truck brake failure”* has always affected the people of our community, Ikirun making us the victims of the accident of which we’re not part of the cause and this is evident enough.

Recall that less than six months ago, in the late 2022, a truck from the same company rammed some people inside a maternity, where many people were killed and several others injured.

As if that was not enough, two days ago, truck from the same company sent some people to early grave, with a record of injured victims. This has lent credence to the fact that a repeated mistake is no more a mistake When a mistake is done once, it is understandable to be a mistake but absolute unprofessionalism or lackadaisical attitude.

While we express our dissatisfaction and grievances over the atrocities this company’s trucks have caused our beloved community, we call on well-meaning people of Ikirun, headquarters of Ifelodun local government and the state at large, to as a matter of urgency, see to this sad happening, as the lives and properties of the people are at stake with the continuous repetition of this incident.

We’re using this medium to plead with the state government and authority of Ifelodun local government and other concerned authorities, to come to our rescue to put an end to the recurring but avoidable ghastly accidents, courtesy of reckless truck drivers.

To this end, we suggest the following recommendations to forestall the recurring of this repeated menace:

1. There should be movement time for these trucks, mostly at nights, when it is believed that in the event that no record of loss of life would be recorded.

2. However, if that seems impossible, then we would be left with no option than to take take our destiny into our own hands, by completely banning these trucks from routing within our community, henceforth.

3. Of course, there’s no doubting the fact that no amount of money can bring back a lost life, yet, we recommend that each and every victim of the unfortunate incident should be compensated accordingly, including the families of the deceased.

4. We also recommend that the concerned company would take necessary action to ensure their trucks are perfectly fit to hit the road without causing havoc.

5. We equally urge the government to always consider an extension of roads while roads should be specially constructed for the passage of these killer trucks. We believe this would significantly contributes to the reduction in the risk posed to our community.

While we pray that the Most High comfort the families of the victims, we strongly believe that our wishes and recommendations would be looked into and be granted in due course.

We pray for the absolute safety of our community, its people, and its properties. We pray not to witness such agony anymore.

Thanks for your time and we anticipate your prompt action on this.

Prince Olawale Opeyemi Mutiu writes from Ikirun, Osun State via
On behalf of Like Minds of Ikirun
