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Police Stray Bullet Kills Two In Ekiti



A police officer in Ekiti State on Tuesday evening misfired a shot and killed two in the process.

The incident occured around 10 pm in the Omisanjana area of Ado Ekiti, the state capital.

It was gathered that angry youths in the area who were reacting against the accident attempted to mob the driver and set the vehicle ablaze.

In the process, the police were contacted but on sighting the security agency, the youths became adamant and uncontrollable.

An attempt by the police to control the situation led to the accidental discharge of a bullet that hit the two victims.

They were rushed to the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, but later died, their bodies have been deposited in the morgue.

The spokesperson for the Ekiti State Police Command, DSP Sunday Abutu said investigation has commenced on the matter.

Abutu in a statement issued says, ” The Command, upon the receipt of the information, deployed the State Traffic Section to the Scene to ensure there is no breakdown of law and order as well as ensuring the safety of the victims.

“On getting to the Scene, the operatives met resistance as some irate youths disallowed them from performing their lawful duty and insisted on carrying out jungle justice. This necessitated a call for re-enforcement to assist the officers on ground.

“However, in the process, one of the officers accidentally fired a shot that fatally injured two persons.

“The officer responsible for the shooting has been disarmed, arrested and detained and shall be made to face disciplinary action immediately.

“While the Command is already in touch with the two families of the deceased, the Ekiti State Commissioner of Police, CP Akinwale Kunle Adeniran, condoles with the families and assures them that discreet investigation has commenced and justice shall prevail.” the statement said
