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‘Removal Of Fuel Subsidies, Intended To Alleviate Burdens, Has Become A Curse’- Cleric



The President of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) Rev. Dr. Amos Mohzo has said the removal of the fuel subsidies which was intended to alleviate the suffering and burdens of Nigerians, but instead created more hardship and has become a curse for the Nation.

Rev. Mohzo stated this during the 105th General Church Council of COCIN which is the highest decision body of the church held at the COCIN Headquarters Jos.

He called on President Tinubu to recalibrate his administration priorities and recommit to the welfare of all Nigerians.

“The removal of fuel subsidies, intended to alleviate burdens, has become a curse, further burdening the populace. Uncertainties and lawlessness compound our citizens’ daily struggles, ranging from rampant kidnapping to uncontrollable fuel prices, which inflate the cost of essential commodities.

He said Nigeria must retum to the drawing board as a nation, transcending faith, tribe, and geography to forge a collective path forward rooted in righteousness, justice, and mercy, saying Unity is paramount.

“Together, we must strive to rebuild our nation, recognizing that without a cohesive society, even the most affluent among us will find their prosperity hollow. Compassion must guide our actions as we collectively endeavour to safeguard the integrity and reputation of our nation”.

The clergy also call on the Federal government and the Various Labour Unions to quickly resolve their issues in the best interest of the entire Populace.

The COCIN President Condemns in strong terms the recent Attacks in Wase Local Government of the state and other communities in Kaduna, Benue, Katsina, Zamfara and South East amongst others.

He reiterated that COCIN as a denomination has been pursing it task of winning souls for Christ as a God giving mandate.

According to him the focus of the church in the year 2024 is “Living in holiness”, Mission and Evangelism, prayer and Assets development.

He calls on all COCIN Members, and all Nigerians to remain steadfast in their commitment to promoting righteousness, justice and Peace.
