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Anambra: Angry Youths Protest Against Alleged Plan To Dethrone 87-Year- Old Monarch



Some Angry Youths From Nnobi In Idemili South Local Government Area Of Anambra State, yesterday stormed Government House to dissociate themselves from alleged plan to dethrone their 87 years old traditional ruler, Igwe Nick Obi.

The protesting youths who carried placards marched through the Enugu – Onitsha Expressway and arrived the seat of power to dissociate themselves from the game plan to dethrone the monarch who was installed in 2007 after meritorious civil service career.

Some of the placards bore inscriptions like: “PG And His Cronies Working To Unseat Nnobi Monarch,” “The PG Has Lost The Trust And Confidence of Nnobi Stakeholders and Citizens,” “PG Nnobi Is Not For Sale,” “Enough Of Sacrilegious Witch-hunt Against Igwe Nnobi,” “PG Nnobi Should Not Sell Nnobi Cheap To Anyone,” “Say No To Sit-tight, Expired Ebenesi and Ngo Quarters Leadership” and “Nnobi Peace Committee Report Is A Fraud.”

Addressing the Commissioner For Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs, Nwabunwanne, who was represented by the Public Relations Officer Of The Ministry, Comrade Henry Nwasike, the leader of the protesting youths, Comrade Emeka Eze expressed discontentment over the matter.

According to him, The actors in the plot want to remove Igwe Obi and install their preferred stooge, a development he contended would resulted by the youths.

The spokesman of the group further claimed that the community has passed vote of no confidence on the leadership of PG, who he accused of being high-handed and neck-deep on the plot to remove the 87- year old monarch at all costs.

The Youth Leader dismissed the idea of inclusion of anybody that has issues to be handled in the alleged constituted Peace Committee to avoid a situation of approbation and reprobating, concluding that “the Report of the incompetent Committee is dead on arrival.”

Addressing The Protesters, The Commissioner appreciated The Peaceful Conduct of the protest and reminded them that The Professor Chukwuma Soludo administration is law-abiding and impartial.

The Commissioner stressed that the matter for which they’re protesting is coincidentally being ironed out by government with some stakeholders of Nnobi Community.

He said that the Soludo administration appreciated the enormous potentials of the youths as the engine block of development and hope of Nation-Building as leaders of tomorrow.

Hon Nwabunwanne consoled with the Nnobi Community on the recent fire which razed people shops in the community, lamenting it occurred at a time the masses are striving to make ends meet in the country.
