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Sallah: Senator Fadahunsi Congratulates Muslim Ummah



The Senator representing Osun East at the National Assembly, Francis Fadahunsi in a congratulatory message on Sunday, said Eid-el-Kabir celebration was a time of sacrifice and love, and urged Nigerians to continue with their peaceful coexistence, love and care for one another.

Fadahunsi called on Nigerians to use the occasion to remind ourselves of the lessons of Eid el-Kabir and be charitable to one another, particularly those in critical need.

The Senator, according to a statement by his media aide, Sam Segun-Progress, urged Muslim Faithful to use the festive period to reflect on the lessons of Eid-el-Kabir and impact on the lives of the less privileged,particularly the vulnerable.

The statement read in part, “I congratulate our Muslim brothers and sisters as they mark this year’s Eid-el-Kabir. The occasion calls for reflection on the significance of the event that is epitomised by Eid el-Kabir.We should use the occasion to show love and care to,not just, family and friends but the less privileged and vulnerable.I also urge Muslims to promote the good virtues of Islam,by sacrificial living and exemplary lifestyle.”

Fadahunsi also used the opportunity to urge Muslims and Nigerians in general to intensify their intercession for peace and progress of the country
