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Sallah: Akinleye, Osun CoS Preaches Love, Tolerance



chief of staff to Osun state governor, Alhaji Kazeem Akinleye

The chief of staff to Osun state governor, Alhaji Kazeem Akinleye has enjoined Islamic faithfuls to imbibe the spirit of love and tolerance as they celebrate this year eid-kabir

This was contained in a sallah message issued and personally signed by him copies of which made available to newsmen in Osogbo at the weekend.

According to him, celebration of sallah simplified love and perseverance, hence, the need for Muslim Ummah to adhere to lesson of sacrifice taught by it and exemplified them in dealings.

Akinleye who rejoiced islamic faithfuls in Osun state urged them to use the celebration of sallah to pray for the success of Adeleke led government.

He also cautioned them to celebrate with modesty and share with loved ones amid the economy downturn bedevilling the nation.

” On this occasion of celebration of eid-kabir, I rejoice with Muslim Ummah particularly in Osun state, I urge us all to use this memorable celebration in praying for the success of the government of governor Ademola Adeleke, he is God sent to our dear state, he needs our prayers and support to deliver on his electoral promises ”

” I want to enjoin us to also celebrate with modesty, share to the needy and love ones, these are the lessons taught by Prophet Muhammed (SWA), we must not derail from these lessons as a true Muslims, let’s celebrate in love and promote unity among ourselves ” Akinleye added.
