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State Specialist Hospital, Ondo Records First Baby Delivery After 6yrs Of Interregnum



The Ondo State Specialist Hospital (Ondo Town), has recorded its first baby delivery as part of the ongoing restructuring efforts of the state government.

A statement made available to journalists on Wednesday in Akure by the Information Officer of the hospital, Adetokunbo Salami said the baby girl, weighing 2.7 kilogram, was safely delivered by the medical personnel of the hospital, Ondo at about 12:48 am on 11th June, 2024.

CityMirrorNews online gathered that the mother of the baby is 38-year-old Mrs. John Oladipo.

Recall that the State Specialist Hospital, Ondo Town was given an autonomous status following state government pronouncement on 15th April 2024.

The hospital was merged with UNIMEDTH in 2018, but earlier this year, the state governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, restructured the UNIMEDTH with the State Hospital being returned back to its former state.

Mrs Oladipo, the mother of the baby, who expressed gratitude to the hospital team said; “initially, I was registered in a hospital in Ibadan but I had to travel down to Ondo Town to do some transactions, So I was in Ondo Town when I fell into labour. I visited some nearby hospitals but I wasn’t attended to because I didn’t register with them. It was my mother that advised me to visit General Hospital Ondo where I was welcomed despite the fact that I wasn’t registered with the facility. I’m thankful to the hospital team for taking exceptional care of me and grateful to God for a safe delivery.”

Speaking earlier, the Director of Nursing, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit, State Specialist Hospital, Matron Oke, who expressed delight over the safe delivery stated that since 2018 that the hospital has become UNIMEDTH, delivery activities has been moved to the medical village complex.

But according to her, “now that the SSH is on the part of modification, I am very excited to become part of the O&G Unit team again and we hope for more pregnant women to register.

Matron Oke, therefore, appreciated the management, staff and the nursing team for a job well done.

Dr. Adeola Akintade, the Medical Director, State Specialist Hospital, Ondo Town, also expressed gratitude to God for the safe delivery.

“It is a thing of joy being able to deliver the first baby in this hospital after 6years of interregnum,” he said.

According to him, “with what has been witnessed today, we are confident that pregnant women in Ondo community and its environs will henceforth continue to have access to quality and affordable health care services at the hospital, as our women will now labour, bear and enjoy the fruits of their labour in a conducive environment, and in the hands of highly skilled personnels.”

Dr. Akintade, also said the hospital has now commenced surgical services since the pronouncement of state government on April 15, 2024.

“This is the dawn of a new era in Ondo community, as all stakeholders are now happy with this welcome development and this is clearly in line with the vision of the Ondo State Government,” he added.
State Specialist Hospital, Ondo Records First Baby Delivery After 6yrs of Interregnum
