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2023: Adagunodo Greets Citizens, Says Vote For PDP Will Restore Nigeria



The National Vice Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party in the South West, Hon. Olasoji Adagunodo has sent his New Year message to Nigerians, wishing citizens the best of 2023.

Adagunodo, in a message he personally signed, said that the outgoing year is quite dramatic and it is only by the grace of the Almighty God that “we survived to witness the end of the year.”

He acknowledged the strength and determination of Nigerians in the midst of socio-economic and political complications in 2022 and urged them to rejig their undying spirit and enter 2023 with redefined vigor.

Adagunodo urged Nigerians to use the new year to renew their allegiance to a better Nigeria and communal development by contributing more to nation building and spurning all forms of hostile tendencies.

He expressed optimism that 2023 would be fulfilling if political power is returned to the people and governments at all levels make the people the centre point of its policies, adding that the citizens should vote the PDP for a better Nigeria.

“Not withstanding our differences, we are one people, under one God with one country to call home. Therefore, as we embrace this New Year with brighter hopes of restoration, let us do so with even a stronger commitment to unity, cooperation and mutual love. I wish every Nigerian a prosperous Year 2023 and I do pray that every family shall find renewal in the New Year,” the PDP leader noted.
