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SCHS 97′ Students Donate Generator, Computer Tools, Internet Router To School, Solicit More Support From Others



The 97 excos with SCHS principal, teachers and students

Old Students of the Sasa Community High School (SCHS) Alumni Association 1997 Sub-Set, on Friday, donated a 6.5KVA Generator, HP LaserJet Printer, MTN HyNetFlex Router, Keyboards, Mouses to the school to further help and improve in it’s technological learning and administrative duties.

Mr Bolaji Alatishe, the President of the 97 Alumni set, in company of other executive members made and presented the donated items to the school principal, Mrs A.A Nariwo.

While handing over the items to the school management, Alatishe, emphasized the need to give back to the institution that served as an education building block for a lot of students.

The Vice President of the Alumni, Mrs Aminat Etafo, equally encourage the students of the school to be of good character and resolute in making the school and their parents proud.

Mr Ayodeji Alade, the General Secretary of the 97 set, solicited for more supports from, the State Government, Corporate Bodies, Spirited Individuals and other sub-sets, as the need of the school is enormous.

Alade said the school is in dire need of more buildings (classrooms), good roads, drainages, supports for the ICT Lab, Science Lab, Library and regular power supply.

He stated that “Our members are of the firm belief that they can’t be celebrating when the school is in shreds and when students are learning under conditions that are worse than that of the early man.”

The principal, Mrs Nariwo, on behalf of the school management, thanked the old students for their kind gesture, saying their intervention came at the most needed time.

She, however, promised that the school will make judicious use of the items and that the items would go a long way in boosting ICT training in the school.
