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This Pope Must Be Crazy ! Walahi By Wale Ojo Lanre



Good Morning By Wale Ojo Lanre

Look at these pictures ….

Pope 1

I know what I am posting now and which you are reading may earn excommunication from the catholic Church but the truth must be told and I don’t give a danm about it.

I am a Catholic by birth and by inclination my late father , Pa Francis Akinsola Ojo Died as a Catechist of SS Peter and Paul, Catholic Church , Adatan Abeokuta and a very good fried of Bishop Adewale Martins Yes, I, his son confirmed adherent of the Catholic Church I am Martins by baptismal My mum is a trained and certificated Evangeliser of the Roman Catholic doctrine So , I know what I am saying about my Pope So , I am sure , cocksure of what I am saying about my Pope – of the Holy See Come to think of it Is my Pope not really crazy or something is really wrong with him ?

I am sure something is wrong with the Pope Definitely , something is wrong with the Pope Do you know that This, our Pope is not thinking at all Yes He is not for , I don”t know where he got his this kind of sense To have done or acted like that Imagine ,how this Pope shamelessly refused to I mean , this Pope Like he is not human Accepted a gift , a wonderful gift of the best custom made , designed and skilfully mechanically and electronically contrapted auto mobile A one in town iron Wonder on the Road A jaguar the king of all auto mobile And the donor thought the best of vehicle Should be rfor the head of the Catholic church for Papal’s odyssey And pronto landed it in Rome decorated it at the Vatican happy that Pope accepted the gift dreaming that one day his holy Papal Will ride it to grace a Mass outside the Vatican But Lo and behold ! to his joyful mood This Pope autographed the car The donor jumped up to the sky Mother Mary and Joseph Honour to you But before he could close his cheering mouth The Pope put ashes , a big one into his pot of joy Announced

“Let this gift be auctioned Let’s its proceeds be offering to Charity Let its proceeds be used to feed the poor The homeless and the destitute”And the Pope has spoken Please , is the Pope not stupid ?

Is the Pope not senseless ? is the Pope not Crazy ? To you it may Comparing with the other guy My own guy there Our own Chris Okotie and others Who do not only acquire wondrous automobiles but flaunt it to the poor followers hungry and deprived spiritual fans of theirs showcase it before their own eyes And they , the spiritual Lords ,Now making the acquisition of multi – billion and million dollars means of transportation The benchmark of spiritual excellence The signs and wonders of our Lord Jesus Christ To them The Pope must be crazy Is the Pope crazy ?

Good morning
By Wale Ojo Lanre Active member St Anthony’s Catholic Church Ashipa Village Odo – Ona Elewe Orita Challenge ibadan, Passive member St Joseph’s Catholic Church Usi – Ekiti A three time pilgrim to Jerusalem and Rome

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