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Human Right Lawyer sues Governor Aregbesola for running Osun without Commissioner



A Human Right Lawyer, Kanmi Ajibola, has sued Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun state for his refusal to appoint Commissioners after almost two years of his second tenure.

He filed the originating summons at the state High court on Monday June 27, 2016 pursuant to Section 6(6) (B) and 24 of the 1999 constitution, after the expiration of seven days ultimatum given to Governor Aregbesola to appoint Commissioners had lapsed.

In a 24-paragraphs affidavit in support of the originating summons, Ajibola submitted that the refusal of Aregbesola to appoint Commissioners was illegal and unconstitutional.

He sought an order of the court, directing the Governor Aregbesola to appoint Commissioners into the available ministries in the state within seven days of the judgment of the court.

The human right lawyer stated that Aregbesola has been acting in contrary to his oath of office and code of conduct for public officers.

He said “as at today 27th June, 2016, being the date of institution of this suit, the defendant, that is the Governor of Osun state, had spent one year, seven months in the office, almost half time of his tenure in the office, without appointing Commissioners.

The plaintiff among other relief is seeking a declaration that: “all policies, activities and executive duties of defendant, from the 27th November, 2014 till Commissioner are appointed, which required the meeting of the Commissioner with him, which he did not have, are illegal, unconstitutional and of no effect.

“An order directing the defendant, that is the governor of Osun state, to appoint Commissioners into the available ministries in the state within seven days of the judgment of this Honourable court and in full adherence to section 14(4) of the 1999 constitution.

“A declaration that the defendant’s conduct administering, governing, ruling and controlling Osun state perpetually within the tenure of his office without appointing Commissioners into the available ministries in the state is illegal and unconstitutional.

It would be recalled that the Chief Judge of Osun state, Hon. Justice Adepele Oyebola Ojo, recently granted an order directing Governor Aregbesola to provide information about the debt profile of the state, as sought by Kanmi Ajibola.

The human right lawyer prayed the court to grant all his prayer in the new suit in accordance with Order 3 Rules 5 and 8 of the High court of Osun state Rules 2008.
