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Osun No Longer a Rustic Environment-Adelani Baderinwa



Osun No Longer a Rustic Environment-Adelani Baderinwa


Adelani Baderinwa

Adelani Baderinwa

Adelani Baderinwa is a Media Aide to the first Interim National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bisi Akande. Baderinwa was Akande’s Press Secretary when he was the governor of Osun State between 1999 and 2003. He was appointed Senior Special Assistant to Governor Rauf Aregbesola on Information and Strategy/ Director, Media Monitoring in 2012 in his first term. In this interview with CityMirrorNews crew, the Ikirun born APC chieftain appraised the military and civilian administrations and governance since the creation of the state. Excerpt:


Que: Osun state celebrated 25 years of its existence few days ago. What is your opinion about the development of the state of Osun in 25 years?

Baderinwa: The State of Osun has come a long way. It grew and developed far from where it was when it was created some 25 years ago. Let us say it is still far away from where the people expected it to be but it is surely not the same entity, Osun that was carved out of Oyo state on August 27, 1991. While all parts of the state got some attention in terms of infrastructural growth, the fact of development is obvious in Osogbo, the state capital. Osogbo has attracted phenomenal population growth as well as infrastructural development, thus positively affecting social and economic life of the people. Most places hitherto not accessible, either due to lack of, or bad state of the road can now be reached with ease. New structures have sprung up in the state. Perhaps the cynosure of most eyes is the gigantic and magnificent State Secretariat. Everywhere you look, you see development. Of a fact, Osun is no longer that rustic environment. New things have happened and are happening here in Osun.

Leo Segun Ajiborisha, Military Administrator August 1991 to January 1992

Leo Segun Ajiborisha, Military Administrator August 1991 to January 1992


Que: Putting each of the administrations that had governed the state since creation on a wager, which one will you say has performed most?


Baderinwa: Honestly, I would say that all of them have performed within the limits of their situations, abilities and resources. The Ajiborisha administration was in place for just four months and it set up the building of foundation for the growth of the state. The Senator Isiaka Adeleke administration started to build upon the foundation laid by Ajiborisha.He provided the basic needs by which smooth take off could be possible. He settled the migrating civil servants in to available spaces and allocated resources as would be needed by departments, ministries and agencies. The June 12 political crisis cut short his tenure. Then the military administration tried their bests within their limits. Commander Anthony Udofia and Col. Anthony Obi were able to put the administration on the path of stability. It should not be forgotten that administration per se was not part of their training. Lt Col Timothy Bamgboye did his best too. He was able to commence the real development of Osogbo into a befitting state capital. He dared some taboos to ensure improvement in the outlook of Osogbo. He started the contracting of some real projects which fund and time did not permit him to see through. Then came Chief Bisi Akande. He was able to implement landmark projects that gave teeth to the statehood of Osun. He completed and pay for projects commenced by Lt Col Bamgboye. He constructed roads massively, both intra and inter-city. He ran free education and health services the way Obafemi Awolowo did. He attempted arresting rural urban drift through the rural integration programme which saw to provision of modern housing schemes, water and rural electrifications in most rural areas. He paved the way for the release for use, Orisunmibare Shopping complex, the first ever in Osogbo by paying the contract sum of the project. He constructed, equipped and funded the state broadcasting corporation, OSBC. He completed the ongoing ten legislative quarters and built fifteen more to facilitate a solid foundation for the democratic governance. He touched the lives of the people of Osun generally. Prosperity within the limit of the state’s micro economy was visible. It was no wonder a surprise to many when Chief Akande was said to have lost his re-election bid.

Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke Governor, January 1992 to November 1993 SDP

Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke Governor, January 1992 to November 1993 SDP

Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola took over and had the honour of taking education in the state to another level. Oyinlola established a university for the state, not minding the controversy surrounding the establishment. He added to the growth he met on ground within the limit of his ability. Then, the actualiser came. Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola took over the mantle and did what he is well known for; infrastructural development. He has done more in this regard than any other administrations before him. Ogbeni’s been a star performer in this area cannot be otherwise as he was a Commissioner with midas touch as a commissioner in Lagos. His records in Lagos, where there is much resources, may not be compared with what he is doing in Osun. Many who did not come to Osun since his ascendance have continued to speak of the remarkable and tremendous development that has come to the state capital especially and the whole state in general. Ogbeni saw to construction and rehabilitation of ten kilometres of roads in the former 30 local governments and the area office. He is working assiduously to see that all roads leading to the state became not just motorable but dualised for maximum comfort of commuters.Not a few of the roads under construction are less than 60% completed. He has widened and smoothen the road networks in Osogbo; Ilesa, Ile-Ife, Iwo and other places. Osun will enjoy the benefits of wonderfully made bridges to serve the road users better. He is trying to ensure that there is conducive learning and teaching environment to compliment his desire for quality education for Osun pupils and students.Ogbeni’s aggression at environmental uplift cannot be over-emphasised. He dredged river beds all over to avoid flood disaster which hitherto was perennial. There is landmark step in keeping the state clean while urban renewal is been done systematically within the limits of available fund. He has done more which time and space will not permit stating.

Que: So, who is the best?

Baderinwa: They are all the best. Like I said earlier, they all performed within the limits of their circumstances, world view and available resources. They have all contributed their quota to Osun. Some administrations have more landmark projects than the other and this is obvious in the earlier run down of performances by all the governments that has ruled in Osun. You can make out the one you considered the best.

Chief Adebisi Akande Governor 29 May 1999 29 to May 2003

Chief Adebisi Akande Governor 29 May 1999 29 to May 2003

Que: You served in the Akande’s administration and you said people wondered at his loss. Some people were of the opinion that his fight with labour, Obas, his deputy etc contributed in no small measure to his ouster in 2003 election, do you agree?

Baderinwa: I don’t agree. The simple reason is because I was part of it all and I know the essence of everything. It was mere wrong perception of the opposition that Chief Akande fought anybody at all. The truth was that Chief Akande as governor decided not to run affairs of Osun government as business as usual. It was a kind of sudden change from the usual way of running government that was introduced then. Historically, there has not been anywhere that change of system was accepted without resistance by those affected, more so that lucre was involved. Chief Akande’s position on matters affecting some of the people mentioned was directly opposite to their own. Meanwhile, Chief Akande’s position in general term was about life more abundant for all and not the selfish stance which many represented. That was the issue in contention.If a cursory look is made into what he does as a governor, you will discover that he reached out to more people as he carried out projects in manner that many people will benefit. For instance, there was a regulation that everything to be used in any contract must be bought in Osogbo except those that cannot be found here. So also was the fact that all artisans to work in any government project must be resident in Osun. Whereas, this was not so much so before then.

Que: Ok what about the sacking of workers?

Baderinwa: The principle behind restructuring of Osun work force was basically to make the state better than it was met. It was inevitable. There were too many oddities in the system that called for sanitisation. Take for instance; there was a school with 64 teachers and 1074 pupils. It will surprise you to know that there was no single qualified teacher for English Language, Mathematics or any science subject amongst the 64. Rather, there was nine Home Economics graduates; 10 graduates of Yoruba, eight were graduates of Physical Education and some other subjects as such. It is clear from this situation that there cannot be any appreciable progress in the education sector. Pupils were expectedly failing WAEC year in, year out. A government with focus to make things better will not allow such to continue. The absurdity in the civil service was typified by a situation where there were eleven Typists attached to a type-writer. You can imagine such a waste of human resources and loss to government. It was the attempt to address these anomalies that set Chief Akande against workers. Don’t forget that those affected would not find it funny even when they know that the situation was wrong.

Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Governor 29 May 2003 26 to Nov 2010 PDP

Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Governor 29 May 2003 26 to Nov 2010 PDP

Que: You are also part of Aregbesola government. Do you subscribe to the view that he has not achieved much?

 Baderinwa: Yes am. And am proud to be, and of course, I will tell you straightaway that, that contention is the tale of ignorant or mischievous opposition members. It was an assumption from the pit of hell that makes up their souls. Aside these set of people who are now nick-named wailing wailers, the real people of Osun know that there is a marked difference between Ogbeni’s government and others. As his drive at achieving great infrastructural development which can be seen, services provided by his government, and directly enjoyed by the people cannot be over-emphasised. I recollect the great flood that occurred in July 2009 in many towns and villages in Osun. Lives and properties were lost. Flooding was properly addressed through massive dredging of many river basins across the state. There has not been flood since 2011 when that was completed. The health programme of Aregbesola was taken, a notch higher than what Chief Akande did in his time. Ambulance services are provided for in different part of the state to cater for the sick or accident victims who needed quick attention. This was aside the super free health services in different hospitals that has been upgraded in terms of structures and facilities. There is the OYES programme which re-orientate 40,000 Osun youths about work ethics and provide them basic allowances for two years each. There were ancillary advantages of OYES programme such as OYES TECH, modern agric training in Germany etc. A few disciplined ones were able to safe their stipends and establish small business by which they live. The O’REAP agricultural programme has been on with efforts at ensuring food sufficiency in the state. I spoke of road construction earlier. The mega model schools been constructed across the state is something else. You cannot but speak about the Opon Imo that has been accredited by UNESCO as good tool that can enhance easy learning, the free school feeding, the increase in running grants when there was still money, the training and re-training of moribund teachers at home and abroad, etc. Ogbeni’s administration has supported the old, feeble and weak with monthly stipend. He has improved the capacity of transport workers and other artisans, especially vehicle mechanic who are made to undergo re-training at Bola Ige Mechatronics Institute. There are too many things that Aregbesola did that the failures in PDP would never see as achievements. But I tell you something, those who enjoyed those dividends of democracy are appreciative and will never forget. They wailing wailers espoused their foolishness more than that ahead of 2014 governorship election but real people who have benefitted directly stood their ground, even in the face irresponsible deployment of security to muzzle them and rig the election. Ogbeni won handsomely. He would always win.

Governor Rauf Aregbesola, from November 26, 2010 till date. His tenure expires on November 26, 2018.

Governor Rauf Aregbesola, from November 26, 2010 till date. His tenure expires on November 26, 2018.

Que: But it is been said that APC members are unhappy with the governor because they are not patronised. As a chieftain of the party what is the true situation?

Baderinwa: Osun APC ti wapa ju! Honestly our people love Gov Aregbesola beyond the antics of the opposition. I dare say that not many governors of whatever party has patronised his members as Ogbeni has done when he had the resources. I firmly believe that our party members are not insensitive to the fact that the governor is presently caught up with lack of resources to run government. I am sure they are sympathetic with him and would manage with the situation. Were you at the launch of Osogbo High School? You need to see the heavy turnout and unalloyed show of love to the governor and the president by the party men and town people. Can that match the jaundiced assumption of the wailing wailers? Open your eyes, my brother.

Que: You are an APC chieftain from Ifelodun LG. There is a crisis rocking the party in Ifelodun, what is the true position?

Baderinwa: Whatever you heard about APC in Ifelodun is a storm in a tea cup. It will soon settle down. Truly, there is misunderstanding amongst us but it would soon get resolved. It is about cheating and oppression in the party typified by the attitude of some leaders. While some leaders and members are resisting the perennial questionable leadership style which promotes crookedness, a few members who hope to gain from the belligerence of the leaders are running after them. It all started when, as its usual with the leaders, decided to take side with a ward chairman that was alleged of gluttony, avarice and greed. The party at the said ward was given six bags of rice for sharing. But the ward chairman appropriated it. He was asked by members to bring their rice for sharing but was recalcitrant about. For close to six months, the said chairman refused to bring the rice. Members got angry and gave him ultimatum to either bring the rice or vacate the post of ward chairman. When the leaders heard about it, rather than let justice prevail, they sided with the alleged culprit. They asked him to continue staying and those members should forgo the rice. Members rejected the leaders’ jaundiced decision and insisted that their position remains: that is; let the chairman return the rice and remain or leave and keep the rice. It was at this point that leaders approached the Akirun whom they considered as having sufficient influence on our party. When the disputants made their cases to Akirun, he gave justice as normal human beings would expect. This dispassionate disposition of Akirun irked the so called leaders who expected him to take sides with them. Soon, members and some leaders who felt cheated decided to seek solace in Akirun. After all, Akirun had always been there for the whole party. When the recalcitrant leaders saw this, they became jittery and outlawed visits to the palace by any member. Indeed, they made policy statement that any APC members found to have gone to the palace will be prevented from benefitting from the party.

Que: You mean they banned APC members from going to the palace and ready to punish anybody caught?

Baderinwa: They did. You can imagine the audacity of a bias leader who promotes cheating of followers. The most baffling was that these people are very much aware of the unquantifiable contributions of Akirun to the APC’s progress, not only in our LG but all over the state and beyond. You can imagine the mischievous machinations behind all of these. It was easy for them to allow a thieving chairman get away with his misdeed while Akirun should be isolated because he gave justiciable ruling on the matter.

Que: Is it true that the palace of Akirun was attacked on the account of this matter?

Akinrun of Ikirun, Oba Abdulrauf Olawale. Adedeji II

Akinrun of Ikirun, Oba Abdulrauf Olawale. Adedeji II

Baderinwa: Yes, it was attacked. Indeed, Akirun was verbally assaulted while the Olori was physically assaulted. It was a matter carried too far by the disgruntled elements who have kept harassing everybody who does not belong to their clique but was found alone. The governor witnessed one of such brigandage in his attempt to make peace. Thank God, the reasonable and rationale group are more in number than them otherwise, they would try to do something more brutish. They also attack and vandalised the APC secretariat at Oke-Afo for Ifelodun and Isale-Ikirun for Ifelodun North LCDA. Alhaji Kehinde Olamolu’s father’s house next to the party secretariat was vandalised.They stole two dozens of chairs, party flags and some other things at Oke-Afo, while they took away the Public Address System at Isale-Ikirun.

Que: With all this, can we say the matter is irresolvable and or what is the way forward?

 Baderinwa: It is resolvable and it will be resolved. The state secretariat of APC is aware of all these aberrations. The governor is aware. The chairman of the elders’ council of the party is aware. Many party leaders are aware. They know the whole story and the truth of it. It is certain that the state APC will intervene and I believe they will be on the side of truth. I believe they will not accept a verdict that gave a clean bill of health to a thieving party officer. I expect them to insist that kangaroo meeting must no longer be held to take decision for the party. The party set up stakeholders’ forum in each LG, thus the state secretariat should insist that decisions should be arrived at through this forum. It will be important that the APC state secretariat to warn vandals within the party to desist from such irresponsible behaviour, let them know that it is criminal and do carry consequences. The APC must have peace.
