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Ogun Student Commits Suicide After Losing School Fees To Gambling



A student of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro (FPI), Ogun State, Samuel Adegoke has reportedly committed suicide after losing his school fees and that of his friend to gambling.

CityMirrorNews gathered that, Adegoke, a National Diploma 2 student of Electrical Electronic Engineering, reportedly took chemical substance suspected to be sniper on Monday when his colleagues were preparing for the first semester examination.

The deceased reportedly lost his school fees and that of his friend on online betting on Friday.

Our correspondence gathered that, the deceased swindled his friend who shared a room with him by getting his password and used his fee to play and also lost.

It was further gathered that, the school had warned that no student would be allowed to write exam without completing the registration.

Adegoke was reported to have taken the sniper few minutes to the exam, scheduled for same Monday.

He was reportedly rushed to the school clinic where he was later refered to a specialist hospital outside the school in Ilaro before he was pronounced dead.

Confirming the incident, the Deputy Registrar, Public Relations of the school, Sola Abiala said the school quickly refered him to a specialist hospital to save his life, but, was pronounced dead shortly after he was admitted in the specialist hospital.

Abiala said “he (Adegoke) died on Monday morning while the exam was about to start.

“It was detected at the specialist hospital that the late student drank snipper.

“His father told the school that his son had used his school fees to gamble last session but, he had to rescue him by making another payment.

“Adegoke Samuel, an ND 2 Electrical Electronic Engineering was later refered to Hosanah specialist hospital. When they got there, they got the information that he used his school fees to bet and lost. He also used his roommate’s school fees to bet and also lost.

“We have a policy here that any student that does not pay school fees will not write exam.

“He realised that he and his friend would not write the exam, that was why he committed suicide.

“We sent for his parents and briefed them. His father told us that his late son did the same thing last session and had to send money to him to pay the fees.

“He said if he had known about the latest one, he would have paid for it.

“But when we asked the father to take possession of the corpse, he rejected it and said he could not take his son’s corpse back home.

“He asked us to burry him. The school paid part of the burial expenses. The school had to pay the fee for the other student whose fee was used to gamble by the late student so as to avoid another calamity. We don’t want him to also commit suicide.

“The student used the money to gamble on Friday and lost. Having realized what he did, that was why he drank snipper.

“The hospital did not know what to do when the boy died until the DSA took the photograph of the student.

“We were surprised that he did not leave any suicide note behind. We did not see any note. The DSA and his team went to his house and checked for a note, but there was no note other than the bottle of the snipper he drank.”
