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OAU Management Reacts To Student’s Death, Calls For Calm



The Management of Obafemi Awolowo University OAU, Ile-Ife has appealed for calm, after a 500-level student, Okoli Chizoputam, was reportedly killed by a mob who were also students of the institution over alleged phone theft.

According to reports, the unfortunate incident happened on Monday at the Awo Hall of the campus.

According to a statement released by the Students Union Government, SUG, President, Folahan Festus, the student was pronounced dead on arrival at the Emergency Department of the OAU teaching hospital on Tuesday afternoon.

City Mirror News Online report that the deceased who is a student of the department of Civil Engineering was accused of phone theft by some students who descended on him and allegedly beat him to death.

Festus described the mob action as inhumane with a pledge to ensure justice.

He said: “I regret to announce the death of a Part 5 student assaulted in a mob action at Awo Hall yesterday. The student was declared dead on arrival at the Emergency Medicine Department of OAU Teaching Hospital this afternoon.

“Preliminary investigations show that the deceased was accused to have stolen a phone. While we await official report from the law enforcement agencies, I must state that this incidence is a very sad one to Great Ife Students’ Union because our Union is not a Union of barbarians but that of intellectuals.

‘Arrests and investigations of individuals suspected to be connected with the assault of the deceased are being made for consequent legal actions. Our Union does not support mob actions and justice must be served in this incident. Pending investigations of this unfortunate development, the activities of Hall Executive Council of Awo Hall are suspended immediately.

“What has just happened is most inhumane. Justice must be served accordingly irrespective of who is involved. Mob actions are banned and not allowed on OAU campus!

“I reassure Great Ife students that the Union is working assiduously with the school authorities and the relevant law enforcement officers to make sure that justice is meted out appropriately!”

In a statement on Tuesday night, the institution’s Public Relations Officer, Mr. Abiodun Olanrewaju confirmed the incident, adding that the investigation was still ongoing.

Olanrewaju stated that the Vice Chancellor, Professor Adebayo Bamire had constituted a committee to investigate the matter.

He urged students not to take laws into their hands.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the student died of a mob action on the allegation that he stole a phone.

“Saddened by this ugly development which he described as unfortunate, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Adebayo Simeon BAMIRE, has set up a committee to unravel the circumstances that led to this incident.

“The action of the mob, being a violation of the law of the country and
of the University regulations, has been reported to the police who
have commenced investigations.

“The University administration hereby commiserates with the parents
of the deceased, staff and students, and prays that God will grant us
the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

“Students are strongly admonished to desist from taking laws into their hands and to report any criminal activities to the University authorities for immediate actions”
